We want to let you know how we earn money from this website. Some websites choose not to tell you. We want to be honest with you and let you know how we work. Lots of our money comes from affiliate links, meaning when someone clicks on them and buys something, we get a commission.
This is how affiliate marketing works.
Some people don’t like it and we get that – people abuse affiliate marketing. But some of the biggest companies in the world use it, too.
Comparison websites are great. They have deals with other companies. When people sign up, the company will get a commission from them. We try to be as impartial as possible so you can trust us.
If you think something sucks, please tell us.
We can only tell you the facts and how we think it could help you. We are not sure if a product will work for your situation because we cannot guarantee anything. We can only go by our experience with products and not everything will apply to your case so do your own research before buy
Will it cost me more?
When you buy something using one of our affiliate links, the price is the same as it would be if you bought it without an affiliate link. This just helps us and we need your support so that we can continue to bring you reviews, tips, and tutorials.
We also do sponsored reviews too
People and companies can buy a review from a company. The review might not have an affiliate link, but you should be aware of this. Reviews will be marked as such, and no one can buy a good review.
If anyone asks us to write a positive review (even if their product sucks) then we choose not to work with them. That’s not the way to do business.
Either fix your product so that it has the potential to get a positive review or give up doing business.
We need your support
The goal of this site is to be helpful to you. But it costs money. The hosting, editors, and writers all cost money.
By purchasing WordPress and hosting related services/products from our site, you are assisting us to provide more free work.
A word about product support
We do not sell the product. Any questions should be directed to the person who made the product.
One final disclaimer
By using this website, you agree to our terms of service policy. Details of which can be found on this page.